Saturday, January 17, 2009


sketch, about 12 x12, oil
One thing painting plein air teaches me is the need to simplify. Somehow, more children have rolled off my easel lately. For our monthly class I designated the subject painting children. It was one of the largest classes I've had. We just can't resist painting the kids in our families. It does sharpen the need for evaluating what we see. Beginning painters are just not used to letting our eyes do the measuring. So the visual training in one field of painting carries over nicely into the other. My first love is the land, but who can resist kids?
We often have to work from photos, so that was the emphasis of this class. You can see one of the many drawbacks of working from this photo rather than life - the pasty color and too light value of the skintones. Still fun.
Has anybody painted outdoors lately?? Gee - it's record breaking cold and windy here in north Alabama. The next best thing to plein air painting is checking for art supplies. I enjoy the Judsons catalog. It appeals to the gadget love in me and gets me fired up to head out again. It's such a friendly catalog - has everything I need and those things I didn't know I need.

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